
On Hold...

We're having some fairly complicated personal stuff going on at the moment, so I'm taking a bit of time off from all but the most essential survival-oriented functions - which means it might be a few days, or even a week or two, before I post here.  Don't give up on me, please.  I'll get back to you eventually.  In the meantime, please visit some of the lovely blogs and bloggers you will find on the right side of this page.  They have plenty to say, and you may find that you make a new friend or two in the process!


Delighted Hands said...

You will weather this with the strength and humor you use to get through everything else! Hugs...

krex said...

Trying to give you breathing room but feel free to email me when you feel up to it....even if it is just to whinge .

The Violet Hoarder said...

We'll be waiting, my dear. Take whatever time you need. If you have a minute and need a smile--watch this Fred Astaire July 4 inspired video--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEy1PTi-leI&feature=related