

Not writing much, because there's not much to write about.

Well, things are happening, of course.

I've had some lovely visits with friends from far afield - NYC, D.C., Italy - and a lovely Holiday Season with family & friends who are close to both hearth and heart.

I got a minor case of whiplash and a very minor concussion in a fender-bender type accident, with an accompanying thrill-ride in an ambulance and CT scan for my neck (why I don't glow in the dark, I'll never know).

We got a new stove, survived the grease fire with which we christened the new appliance (does anyone know how to get smoke stains off enameled and plastic surfaces?) and got a new refrigerator (we managed not to set fire to it, but it wasn't for lack of trying).

I started the Aromasin, suffered the side effects. Started the Metformin, more side effects. Started the Low Dose Naltrexone, more side effects. I'm just a dizzily hobbling ball of aches, pains, nausea, hot flashes, internal malfunctions, and brain farts.

Given the chance, Dr. Bouncy would no doubt tell me that this is a good thing. I'll see him next week, at which point he can explain why this might be so. It will be at least another seven weeks before they will do another scan, so I suppose the side effects are the only indications available to show that the meds are doing something. Of course, I have to have regular blood screenings to make sure that the something is not liver damage.

And that's about that. A bit of knitting, a bit of spinning, a few naps, and tons of exhausting paperwork that needs to be done in the next month or so.

It's an exciting life, but somebody needs to do it...


Jane Carlstrom said...

Just sending hugs, and letting you know that whatever you write, I'm popping in to read.

More hugs, Jane

krex said...

Grease fire ?(cooking tip 101....Your not supposed to deep fry turkeys on the stove ) You can try one of those Magic erasers, Those things really are magic .

I'm wishing you some relief from the side effects (more spinning fiber and less spinning brain ).

Nancy K. said...

OK. So, I haven't dropped by for a bit and what do I find?

A car accident ~ whiplash and a concussion ~ house fires!!!

Good Lord, woman!!! I can't leave you alone for a minute...

I'm VERY glad to read that your spinning and knitting though!

mrspao said...

Hugs x

MemorableMentions said...

More hugs. I wish I could bundle you up in a hand-knitted, hand-spun garment, but I do not knit or spin. All I have is a cyber-hug and a message that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. So, cyber-spun-warm-wooly-hugs to you- and prayers too, of course! =)

aka prayerbedes

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your cancer. I remember you coming into the Kaiserhoof in New Ulm when you were dating that tall thin guy and making an effort to sit at every booth in the front room.

Don Viegel, New Ulm MN

Barbara Maloney said...

Time for a new post here!

Eileen said...

Interesting, Don/Bruce - I can't imagine you remembering that unless you *are* the tall thin guy. You're a hard person to Google, btw. Hope you are doing well... I know you like a good story, and the cancer is the least interesting part of life, so send a gal an email if you want to catch up. I have a feeling your story will be interesting, too!

Unknown said...


I see no email or point of contact for you on either of your very interesting blogs, which I have read.

So if you want to catch up send me an email at bdbruce@mail.com

Roberta said...

Getting concerned about you, sweets...no updates in a while. Post or something!