
Vote Now, Vote Often

METAvivor needs your vote.  Heck, it needs your votes, since you are allowed to vote once every day until March 15th.

METAvivor is an organization that is dedicated to funding research on metastatic breast cancer.  Currently most breast cancer funding goes towards 'awareness education', while less than 3% goes towards metastatic disease, which kills 30% of all people who are diagnosed with breast cancer (that means that 30% of the women currently celebrating their 'survivorship' will go on to develop metastatic breast cancer, which currently is both incurable and terminal). 

METAvivor has applied for the Pink Well video competition.  If it receives the most votes, it will apply 100% of the $50,000 prize towards grants for metastatic breast cancer research.

My cancer has advanced too far to be helped by this research - but your support could help us find a cure in time to save other women that you know and love.  Your mom, your daughter, your niece, your sister, your friend, your neighbor.  The 30% of the 'survivors' who participated in your last local breast cancer fundraiser who will go on to develop metastatic disease.

 A Cure In Time For Her, Perhaps?

Vote today.  Vote tomorrow.  Vote every day through the 15th.  And then, if you can, donate to organizations like METAvivor.  Awareness is good, but a cure would be better...

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